You need to let go
I need to first admit I’m so bad at the topic in question above.I don’t know how not to think about tomorrow, Im worrisome,, what is gonna happen next or hoping that probably something in the past might change. I’m…
I need to first admit I’m so bad at the topic in question above.I don’t know how not to think about tomorrow, Im worrisome,, what is gonna happen next or hoping that probably something in the past might change. I’m…
Yes its for me For the days I have lived For me the ones I’m yet to For the mistakes I have made. Perhaps for the lessons I’m yet to learn For the wounds I’m yet to nurse for the…
I’ll smell a perfume Listen to a song Watch a movie Go for a walk, Flirt with a friend Just to distrust my thoughts because they’re glued. I’ll take a book and jolt down strings of words With hope of…
It’s been a story a personal one for me and it looked like a movie so i kept recording it.though not to the very fine details. From my first blog just before you quit.. this was obviously the most…
The first time i met her was 2016 September ..I was sitted I the reception waiting to be served when she came in.She was dressed in a maroon skirt,a white sweater top and white sandles.I couldnt fail to notice the…
I hope it is not strange, but sleep won’t come.. it’s a long time together daughter of the sun…but I don’t know you, you see when I met you, those people who know how to round off will call it…
The happiest and most content people are not those who look at the mirror and have nothing to change They aren’t those who have scored 100 in their past lives.. they aren’t even the richest,they are not without fault They…