
Will you receive me

I hope it is not strange, but sleep won’t come.. it’s  a long time together daughter of the sun…but I don’t know you, you see when I met you, those people who know how to round off will call it almost one year,I seem to be losing this fight to a force in your voice or your being,or your smile, or the glitter in your eyes…. just something I don’t know.. but unlike my nature I’m loosing this.😍
I’m poetic,or rather I try to be but the problem is that you have become my only art in the mind, wanting to paint the clouds but behind them is a face- yours ,then I’m a moon lover, outside the in the night the stars are like your eyes shinning down,

Then my dreams are all taken.. the wise will say it shouldn’t be this way.. That the world is bigger.. but you are my inspiration,my world,my music compositions have you,my books are weary with your name Bunyore .. the many prefixes I will put before your name

I want to know what mettle you are made of,I’m intrigued by me and my curiosity😋, that like dolly the Parton I would want to know.. do I cross your mind., because you stay on mine.. can I be allowed to bring home this queen to her King. I want to know the fabric from which you are cut , can I be allowed to know you.know the girl who filled my files.. will you allow me?

 My mum had no issue with me and girls,, until I met are the wallhanging lonely in my room, of not so good a photo that I took hurriedly,, you even refuse to give me a decent one.. so I ask like Don William – sweet Bunyore will you receive me if I come.? Or im I just a son of Fate.


2018-08-13 1:52am


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