So I fell again.
I’m using again because it has happened before. Falling in love. But the good thing is that I’m getting used to it.. that my heart loves deeply.
Hey don’t get me wrong it’s a choosy heart. That’s where the problem is. You do your selection carefully then your heart decides to shock you.
I’m sitting here at a shade in a corner of a restaurant at Edgewood. The exact same place we sat, when we were falling for each other. Or whatever you want to call it. I know something was happening.
From your look ,your eyes looked like forever. They looked loving,promising ,genuine,they looked like forever.
That Friday..I had had a long day at work .. Then a text from you brightened it.There were two of your friends who had come with us,I came to learn they were DJs. They were chewing the green leaf but you looked too smart for that.
Not that I didn’t enjoy their company, but I’m jealous.. I wanted time with you. There was just something about you i needed to understand. Something that made me holdback from you. Something that is in me before i can let in a stranger..
I decided to step out of the shade we were in, down the stairs and i stood a stone throw away. Leaning on that wooden wall, overlooking the river flowing in a direction i thought was its opposite.
The trees above formed a good canopy that let you see just afew stars. There were lights on the ground that dimly lit the grass. Perfect environment for a romantic like me.
It didn’t take long before you joined me ( I knew you would). We stood there gazing into the empty space then you took a seat .The look on your face invited me to take one next to you. Either by design or accident, the chair had a broken leg, so the next best place was your laps.
I know I got some weight , but you that said I don’t and that I could sit on you. I leaned back to a pillow like chest and your arms wrapped around me. I wish our spirits merged then..
Cause at that moment my problems ended. I enjoy moments.. Because we live for the good moments.like the one Joe and I were having..It was good while it lasted.
I kept telling him ” you don’t know me” .. And for sure he didnt. But I loved his confidence in saying that what he knew was enough..
And Joe was awesome, he had a way of making me feel at home, and he always did. With him I was home. home had stopped being a house.
He is a risk taker he is industrious… Ana bidii ingine Kali sana. He likes to sit alone in quiet places. He even wanted to buy land in kilimambogo and build a quiet home..Enough of the praising.
But I’m glad I met him in my journey of life.I’m of the opinion that people who touch your life are gifts and gifts are treasured.
I know today is not his birthday but I know he was born and that’s a reason to celebrate him.
We left at, with him I was home. He was home. But like I said I had certain fears and I confirmed them . Joe was suddenly no where to be found. He had left to wherever . I don’t know. Maybe its to where he had come from. And I became homeless.He could neither speak nor could he be seen .I only saw his twin.
Seeing him meant much.. He was close to home,,but he was not home
All this time my drink ran out and I was lost in deep thought. I realized this when I lifted to sip my drink and it was empty. It was 10:56pm. I needed to go home. I asked for a cab. Paid my bill and left
At least let’s say Joe had given me a place to go. . I’m homeless though.
#Storiesitell. NyamburaNdungu. 1-05-2020
Ooh, this isn’t a “story”, it’s a “real story”
One day your dream will come true dear., God will bring Joe back to you.
My favorite❤️❤️
Joe come home, someone is homeless