
I love you Dad. Tribute to my Father.

Dad on his best smile

There’s no poetic rhyme for this. It might never be a sweet song, Just that time allows us to heal, have fond memories of those dear Time allows us to even talk about them in the past tense. And laugh, But for now, allow me talk a little about him as if he is here.

My dad passed away last month 4th of June. It was so soon. It was only two days. That night he was rushed to hospital and the afternoon of the following day. I wished death prepared us for what to expect rather than ambush us. I know that the unexpected thought had crossed my mind, but it was not supposed to mature into action. At least not that fast.

While it’s my hope that you never have to experience such an altering loss, I know it might come, some day some how while you are busy at the peak of life, or at the bottom of it, death shows up to remind you that it’s a part of life.

I know the pain of loosing dad, especially at a time we had grown very close might perhaps stay for longer, because how do I not see him inside his white car? Sitting on his favorite seat? Laughing and smiling broadly especially when telling a story he was passionate about. It’s not easy right?

Dad lived life fully, he was unbothered by stuff he could not change, he laughed passionately and slept soundly when he did.

He is a typical kikuyu man, he loves land, and has acquired several. he has served in high positions in the government and he hated to use his position to oppress. He lived a life of influence, his circle of friends can attest. He is a giver, a generous giver, I almost got jealous of how much he gave. I can go on and on…… And wonder who will fill your shoes. But I have learnt from you virtues I will treasure them in life,, and thanks for living a life that death hasn’t been able to stop.

My dad Joseph will be in my heart, I would give up anything to have him back but I’m glad you are in a better place, not in pain. And especially because you slept in the Lord. With age I got to draw closer to you, you are a friend I had, one who kept my birthdays as though they’re sacred.

There are days i long for your call checking on me. I know it will never come cause some voids are hard to fill and it’s okey if they remain that way, I won’t try force anyone into your big shoes

The whole duty of man in his life is to raise a family that will out live him. So many people depended on you, even outside family

Dad in every way you have lived such a life, your inner energy that saw you do extraordinary things.

I looked back into your background and it is not one that was very extraordinary, you just chose a different path that set you apart as a different unique. Even older men salute you Dad, I listened to them that day as we celebrated your life.

Having worked in the Forces, A salute is something you were used to. And dad there’s no last salute, for you, we keep Saluting. We salute your values, your lessons and your wisdom. We keep Saluting.

I love you Dad and I will keep loving you, keep resting. Salute!


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